Why search results are only half the journey

You may think the top of the search results is the most important destination in a prospect’s journey. While search results are important, they are just the first mile in a marathon. When prospects click on a search result, they are on their way. This is where expert writing can take them toward the the finish line.

Plain content is often too slow and filled with empty sales calories. En route to 2500 words, the appetizers are several paragraphs of bland information that search engines may love, but which are generally understood. It’s like teaching first grade math to a fourth grader. They get it already and are bored!

You need to start with real courses. Persuasion is writing with real sales nutrition — something copywriters do intuitively from years of agency experience. It’s a talent, skill and habit that goes way beyond algorithms.

This will sound simplistic, but someone has to buy what you’re selling. They can’t be dropped off at the front door of a retailer and be expected to go inside, find what they want, compare it to other items, select, and finally buy. That means you need to welcome them, engage them, usher them through the rest of their journey as you move them logically toward the sale.

That is why persuasion is so important. You have to understand and express empathy. Wait until you tell them why your product or service is what they need. And keep them engaged.

As in fishing, you can’t let them shake off the hook and get away. Expert writing can quickly invite them to find out why your product or service is the best choice and move them through the funnel.

So keep doing the SEO, but get your second wind with expert persuasive writing. It’s your best chance to win the race to purchases.

Early in my career, I studied sales. I read books, listed to audio, observed how the best of the best did it. And I translated these overlooked ideas and skills my writing. After all, copywriting is really selling. It can be soft or aggressive or something in between.

Thank you for reading. Please reach out with questions.
